Boabee App License Only Standard rate: £190 Standard rate: £240

Boabee App – Extra License
Earlybird rate: £99 Standard rate: £140 (order main license first)

Boabee – Scanning Device Earlybird rate:£290 Standard rate: £340
- Capture leads on the fly with the boabee app
- Qualify visitor leads with custom qualifiers
- Digital brochures sent from within the app
- Daily leads report in your inbox
- Onsite support
- Watch tutorial video below
- Contact us: support@fielddrive.com

Security & Policing, the official UK Government global security event, returns to the Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre between 12-14 March 2024.
Regardless of your company size, Security & Policing offers a unique opportunity to showcase your products and capabilities to a highly targeted audienceof senior decision makers and buyers, international delegations, police services and Government departments from the UK and overseas.
Maximise your time spent engaging with your end user by making the most of the technology available. This year, approved exhibitors will be able to order lead retrieval services for the duration of the event. All visitor and delegate badges will feature a QRcode that can be scanned with a lead retrieval app.