Security & Policing 2025 – fielddrive Leads Webstore

Security & Policing, the official UK Government global security event, returns to the Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre between 11-13 March 2025.

Regardless of your company size, Security & Policing offers a unique opportunity to showcase your products and capabilities to a highly targeted audience of senior decision makers and buyers, international delegations, police services and Government departments from the UK and overseas.

Maximise your time spent engaging with your end user by making the most of the technology available. This year, approved exhibitors will be able to order lead retrieval services for the duration of the event. All visitor and delegate badges will feature a QRcode that can be scanned with a lead retrieval app.


  • Any individual with the badge type ‘International Delegate’ has not provided ADS with an email address for security purposes. Please ensure you do not scan this badge type as no data is available and instead ask for a business card or Desk Officer email address. ADS will not be able to source any email addresses for International Delegates post event. All other badge types will be scannable.
  • Lead retrieval devices will still collect delegate information even if Wi-Fi connection is poor or not available. Please do not sign out of the app, if you sign out it may create some issues (minimize the app, run in the background). Once you will be able to reconnect to Wi-Fi or a hotspot, the leads will be automatically sync.
  • ADS does not collect telephone numbers from delegates, therefore this information will not be available to capture.



fielddrive Leads License Only

Standard rate: £240


fielddrive Leads – Extra License
Standard rate: £140
(order main license first)

zebrea scanner image

Lead Retrieval Scanning Device

Sold out

Key Highlights:

  • Seamless lead scanning
  • In-depth lead analytics
  • Real-time lead data visibility
  • Online & offline operation modes
  • Immediate digital marketing material sharing
  • Powerful lead qualification tools
  • Custom lead qualifiers for high-value, business-specific leads
  • Contact us:

Code of Conduct:
Please ensure when scanning badges with the app that:

  • You clearly ask for each delegate’s permission to get in touch after the event – this is a GDPR requirement.
  • You are on your exhibitor stand. No scanning is permitted in common areas of the venue.

Available on:

Minimum Operating System Requirement for the app
Android: Version 8 (Oreo) and above
iOS: Version 12.4 and above